Pungent Aroma Hops
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Beer Maverick has found 8 hops that have been classified as having Pungent aroma and/or flavor characteristics. The most popular secondary descriptors of this subset of hops are pungent (8), citrus (4), pineapple (3), dank (3) & noble (2).
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The aroma of the Columbia hop is similar to that of Chinook, but not as strong. It includes crisp pineapple, bright and pungent lemon-citrus notes....
Other aroma descriptors include pineapple, lemon, citrus, noble & pungent.
Specific aroma descriptors of the Columbus hop includes earthiness, black pepper, licorice, spice (curry) and subtle citrus. The floral and citrus notes from the Columbus hop come out in both aroma and flavor, but can be pungent. This strong flavor and aroma make the Columbus hop great for late addi...
Other aroma descriptors include earthy, black_pepper, licorice, curry, spicy, citrus, floral, pungent, dank & cannabis.
Lawton hops have pungent, woody & earthy aromas, not citrusy at all, but totally dank. ...
Other aroma descriptors include pungent, woody, earthy & dank.
Mount Hood
Mount Hood hops have aroma descriptors that include herbal, pungent and spicy notes....
Other aroma descriptors include noble, herbal, pungent & spicy.
Petoskey hops are "field grade" hops that come from Great Lake Hops (GLH). ...
Other aroma descriptors include floral, pungent & pineapple.
Southern Sublime
The aroma profile of Southern Sublime (N1/69) is Kool-Aid, Juicy Fruit, citrus, mango, plums, dank, and pungent. Works well with intensely hop-forward beers like modern IPAs. It also has classic noble hop character with a fruity terroir backdrop....
Other aroma descriptors include orange, plum, mango, dank, pungent & citrus.
Southern Tropic
Southern Tropic is very fruit forward with sweet fruits of mango, plums, and grapefruit. Some brewers have described an aroma similar to Kool-Aid or Juicy Fruit. This hop works well with all hop-forward beers where tropical fruit characteristics are desired....
Other aroma descriptors include melon, troical_fruit, guava, butterscotch, lemongrass, coconut, pungent, pineapple, bubblegum & citrus.
Zeus hops have aroma descriptors that include pungent, black pepper, licorice, and curry....
Other aroma descriptors include black_pepper, licorice, curry & pungent.