Licorice Aroma Hops
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Beer Maverick has found 8 hops that have been classified as having Licorice aroma and/or flavor characteristics. The most popular secondary descriptors of this subset of hops are licorice (8), citrus (6), black_pepper (4), curry (4) & spicy (4).
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Specific aroma descriptors of the Columbus hop includes earthiness, black pepper, licorice, spice (curry) and subtle citrus. The floral and citrus notes from the Columbus hop come out in both aroma and flavor, but can be pungent. This strong flavor and aroma make the Columbus hop great for late addi...
Other aroma descriptors include earthy, black_pepper, licorice, curry, spicy, citrus, floral, pungent, dank & cannabis.
CTZ hops have aroma descriptors that include black pepper, licorice, curry and subtle citrus. CTZ stands for (Columbus Tomahawk and Zeus), which are three slightly different varieties. All have virtually identical brewing values and aromas. It can be used in the boil, whirlpool or via dry hopping. ...
Other aroma descriptors include black_pepper, licorice, curry, citrus, cannabis & dank.
A citrus hop with aromas of stoned fruits, licorice, treacle-toffee and caramel with slight burnt notes. Its bittering characteristics can best be described as spicy, citrus, liquorice and resinous....
Other aroma descriptors include spicy, citrus, licorice, resin & caramel.
Key flavors of the Marynka hop include hay, licorice, lemon, grapefruit and aniseed. While it is primarily used for bittering, it can also be used to provide a strong earthy, herbal aroma....
Other aroma descriptors include hay, licorice, lemon, grapefruit, anise, earthy, herbal & citrus.
Mount Rainier
Mount Rainier hops have aroma descriptors that include noble, licorice and floral bouquet. It also has a hint of citrus and spice....
Other aroma descriptors include noble, licorice, floral, citrus & spicy.
Tomahawk has aroma descriptors that include black pepper, licorice, curry and subtle citrus....
Other aroma descriptors include citrus, black_pepper, licorice, curry & onion.
Vital hops have key flavors of plum, lavender, spice and licorice. It is very useful for bittering....
Other aroma descriptors include plum, lavender, spicy & licorice.
Zeus hops have aroma descriptors that include pungent, black pepper, licorice, and curry....
Other aroma descriptors include black_pepper, licorice, curry & pungent.